Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Heyy Everybodyy! Hope you all are having a woderful Holdayy! For me, i have one christmas at my dad's (On Christmas Eve) and one at my mom's (On Christmas Day)  And i reallyy hope that the one at my dad's is gonna go okay...

Thanks for all of you who are reading my blog! I love you all !

-Kayli (:

my dad is SUCH a LIAR! And I'm sick of it!

Okay, so my dad is not the best person in the world- not even close. And like a couple of weeks ago my Aunt and Uncle came. Since my dads GF (Now Fiance) and her kids are there and everything, they always do things together. Okay, so me and my brother went out for Breakfast with just my Aunt & Uncle. When we got back, everyone was there (my dad, his fiance, and her kids) when my dad kinda got me alone, he said "Hey, um, try not to bring up the breakfast w/ luke and lexi, they don't know about it."  and i said "But, it doesn't matter if they know or not." and by this point i was really mad. and he said "Just don't bring it up, okay?"  So when i went back to my mom's house i told her this and she got soo mad, she said that basically he was telling me to LIE. and i hate it when my dad does stuff like that !
Thanks 4 readingg !

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Whoah Whoah WHOAH!? FIANCE?!?!?!

Okay, so Like I said in my other posts, My parents are divorced and my dad now has a girlfriend. So he had an Affair, and then after the divorce (even when the divorce wasn't final yet)  They were still seeing each other, and he doesn't see ANYTHING wrong with that. But, that's not the point of this post, the point of this is this:
           My dad sells Insurance, and when I'm bored, I go into his work space and just listen to him talk to people. So one day I'm in there, he's talking to a guy, and all of the sudden he goes, "So yeah, My Fianc - ce' has a trouble with Migrains so she insured on that"  Or something like that, and as I typed (Fianc - ce')  He paused because I was in the room, and by his face, he was mad at himself for saying it. I pretended not to know for the rest of the night. Now, I'm spending the weekend with him... Should I bring it up??  Or not?  Please leave a comment what you think.

            Thanks for readingg! 
                ---KAYLi---  <3  :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bad Influence Parents..Get Over It, Or Talk To Them??

Okay, so this post is about My Dad, His Girlfriend, The way they act, and My Life. So, I'm a Christian, and as a Christian, You're not supposed to curse. And NO MATTER WHAT My dad can't stop cursing! And saying Oh my G. Also. Also as a Christian, You're supposed to be nice to people you don't know, and if you see someone weird or doing something weird or looking weird, you're supposed to Try to help them and talk to them. My dad, If he sees someone weird walking down the street, He'll make  a rude comment. And He's also racist, and I CAN'T STAND THAT!!! Like he makes comments about Mexicans, South Americans, And other people. And so I don't know what to do, Confront him about it, Or Just Get Over It??
Leave A Comment Please telling me what I should do. 
     Thanks 4 Reading! 


I'M THE ONE who has to say SORRY?!

Hey Guys. So this Post is about something that happened With Lexi and I. Okay, Today we were cleaning out our room and going through things (We Share A Room) And I saw this Book and I was wondering who's it was. So I got up and I said "Hm." And I was walking out of the room so I could look at it without her seeing it, in case it was private. And I didn't hear her say "Hey! That's mine!" And she ran up trying to grab it from me and I was like, "Hold On!" So I ran into the bathroom so she couldn't.  I hadn't even read anything Yet, And she was hitting the door, and I was just standing there, trying to make her mad on purpose Kinda. At this point I knew it wasn't Mine. So I came out and gave it to her. So she grabbed it and stormed to her bed. I came downstairs and My dad asked if we got anything done yet and I said "No, She got mad at me and stormed to her Bed. And I was Joking." And I told him the story And he said "Well..." And he waited a long time and finally said " You just probably go up there And Say you're Sorry." And  all I did was joke around. SHE can joke around and make people mad, but then when I do, She can throw a fit and I'M the one who has to say sorry?! I'm sorry, but that makes me mad!
       :) Thanks 4 reading!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Biography- Supermac18/Helloimmac (Mac G.)

This Biography Is going to be about Supermac18  (A.K.A. Mac)
Mac Is a 15 year-old boy who makes videos and puts them on He Makes them because it's his thing and he likes to entertain people and make them laugh. He is in Tenth grade next Year. Outside, He likes to dance around and be the center of Attention. He does the same when he's with his friends, It isn't just acting! :)  He has always been interested in Making Movies and Photography. He also loves to help other people mae videos for class projects and other stuff. He Fits in but stands out at the same time. He has been voted #20 for best videos/most subscribers! :D
        Q & A:
     What does Mac use to edit His Videos? He uses his Macbook, or Mac. And the software that he uses is iMovie (It only comes with Mac) And for extra effects, he got from iSlick.
     What does the "18" Stand for in Supermac18? It stands for his brithdate, December 18th.
      What kind of camera does Mac use? He uses the webcam when he just talks in his bedroom,and for his other videos, He uses a Sony Digital 8
      What is his Aim ScreenName? supermac18
       What is his email?
       What is his Myspace?   (Last name for his account,"idk")
         What is his twitter?
       What is his Facebook?
        What is his website?
Hope u guys enjoyed it. And comment telling me If you want more biographies on people (Miley Cyrus, ShaneDawsonTv, Fred, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, IDK) Anyone  (sorta famous)
      Thanks 4 reading!!

Recipes! :)

Hey guys! This post is for all of you cooking fans! I need All Of YOU, Yeah, ALL of YOU guys to get all the easiest, simplest recipes that you know, and Leave a comment On what the recipe is! If you guys could do that it would be great!!!
   Thanks for readinggg!!!