Saturday, September 19, 2009

Whoah Whoah WHOAH!? FIANCE?!?!?!

Okay, so Like I said in my other posts, My parents are divorced and my dad now has a girlfriend. So he had an Affair, and then after the divorce (even when the divorce wasn't final yet)  They were still seeing each other, and he doesn't see ANYTHING wrong with that. But, that's not the point of this post, the point of this is this:
           My dad sells Insurance, and when I'm bored, I go into his work space and just listen to him talk to people. So one day I'm in there, he's talking to a guy, and all of the sudden he goes, "So yeah, My Fianc - ce' has a trouble with Migrains so she insured on that"  Or something like that, and as I typed (Fianc - ce')  He paused because I was in the room, and by his face, he was mad at himself for saying it. I pretended not to know for the rest of the night. Now, I'm spending the weekend with him... Should I bring it up??  Or not?  Please leave a comment what you think.

            Thanks for readingg! 
                ---KAYLi---  <3  :)