Saturday, August 22, 2009

Unfair Much??

Well, Today, we're having about 6 people Over, so we're cleaning. I wanted to Blog about this because, My parents are divorced, and My dad has a Girlfriend, and she has 2 kids, And I feel like me and my brother do chores- Dishes, Lawn, Bed making, Cleaning Room(s), and more. Her kids are 8 & 11 And they do NOTHING but put their dishes in the dishwasher! Like today, I get up around 10:00, and they sleep till 12:00 or 1:00, and My brother had to do the lawn, and I had to do the dishes, and they were sleeping, and when they got up, They did NOTHING! And still aren't! I just don't think it's fair...
Well, Thanks 4 reading!

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