Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Sister...And drugs.

Okay, my sister has been doing drugs Supposedly (Sorry if I spelt it wrong) Since she was 12. And, the other day, I was in her room looking for headphones (She always has like 3 pairs) And She has her stalking From Christmas hanging beside the light switch. I felt something glass in the stalking hit my wrist. So I reached in, and I found a glove, with the thing you smoke weed in...I didn't do anything, I didn't know what it was, I never experienced with weed before, but some how I KNEW it was for drugs. So I put it back in, Got my headphones, and left.
     The next night, I asked my older brother what does the thing you smoke pot with looked like. Now my bro isn't the nicest bro in the world, but he was protective and asked me angrily why would I ask, Have i been smoking, Who did I find out from. I said someone showed me. And he kept getting agry, trying to get the real answer out of me. I told him what happend, he went upstairs and got it out of the stalking, and he looked at it and said, "Gosh, Damnit!" (Sorry for young readers) He kept repeating it slowly, then he said "She told me she quite! Gosh Damnit!"  And then he started going through her drawers, her computer, and then we got to the Sockdrawer... He was rummeging through the socks, and when his hand hit one, we heard a plastic bag sound. He reached for it and pulled out a sock, and while he reached in, he said "I really Hope this isn't what I-" Then he paused, pulling it out, "Gosh Damnit!" He said again. And, the main point of this post was to say that I found Drugs in my sister's room, and If me or my bro spills about this, she could get kicked out..So..Have any of you been in this situation??
         Thanks 4 reading..

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